
Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Why profit from Adsense is easier for beginners

Why profit from Adsense is easier for beginners
In order to know the answer to this question must know how to count you profit Viadesns of the foundation, Vadsens is a text ads or image ads you place in the site or blog or your board, and the more pressure one of the visitors on one of these ads is calculated for you part of the money determined by the owner advertiser's site (which has been pressing the announcement you have) in addition to the Google company is income in determining this ratio also
If what it takes to begin to profit from AdSense?
In order to profit from Adsense must have four things just do not work
First: You must have a website or blog (paid or free)
You can get a free blog through http://Blogger.com
For any inquiries on Mazkrth place your question in the Forums Cash and I will respond to your inquiry myself
Second: You must be in your content
There are hundreds of ways to get content, of course, can not outdo be your original content and immovable Fjocal deal estimated to have original content is Moved in a completely different way of transfer articles
The best way is to write your own articles and if you are not an expert in your chosen field do not read any article ready for and type Mavhmt own words
Or you can buy exclusive articles written specifically for you and there are a lot of sites that offer these the most important odesk.com service
And you can get articles ready and re-written again own words
Or translated into different languages ​​through Google Translate and then you place the article was translated from English to Arabic again in Google to bring him back to the original translation of course will be the essay completely different from the original do to correct grammatical errors and thus got his original article
Or you can get articles ready have no rights and called PLR or Private Label Rights, as I mentioned articles ready, you can publish your name will prompt you to one of their rights in the future (and this method is the third best way)
Or if these things are difficult you move a articles such as what are the locations and the most important sites of the articles is
But do not forget to leave the author's name as it is in article and Annbhm that does not delete when transport so as not to Google Taaqpk and delete your website or blog
For any inquiries on Mazkrth place your question in the Forums Cash and I will respond to your inquiry myself
Third: We must have an account Adsense
This might be a simple or complex problem, and are subject to some luck
Must when applying in Adsense that your site is already running and has a content, some staffs Adsense stipulate that in your site visitors already to agree to your account, and others require a professional website
Some required to be an ancient site, and some require that your site is in a foreign language and others do not distinguish him etc etc.
In order to get the approval contained on your knowledge of the majority tried to conditions to ensure the approval of your account and then Apply this link
For any inquiries on Mazkrth place your question in the Forums Cash and I will respond to your inquiry myself
Fourth: You must have a visitor
As I told you earlier in order to profit from Adsense must on any visitor or member of the press announcement and Cheranlk formerly How are نسبتك determined from profit
How to win a lot, that doubles the number of visitors Vidhaaf number of clicks, a direct correlation
But beware some irregularities that ask visitors to click on ads or push yourself on the ads or to put ads in the pages containing music or movies or dredgers and so
For any inquiries on Mazkrth place your question in the Forums Cash and I will respond to your inquiry myself


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