
Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Create your site to search engines in the best way

First: URL is the most important part of the same site for search engines

Page Title

On the basis of field site and determined keyword Home that he is talking about so it is important when you book your URL to start the most important keyword in your site as follows, for example - profit from the Internet with the Arab Academy Cash
Second: the intensity of keywords

Keyword Density

You should know that Google and search engines have strict standard when repeating keywords in your pages often, it is classified as spam or Black Hat has been deleted your site from the search results already so you must take into account not be repeated keyword more than 10% in Per Page
Reducing allowed is from 7% to 10% to repeat the keyword per page
Third: keywords

Meta Tags

Keywords of the importance that make you care much about building your site internally, you must not forget to add at least 7 to 9 major keywords in the description of keywords within your web pages because they have a positive affect on the order of the results of your site in search engines
But you must be doing a good search words that your site will be dedicated to help on the search results issued quickly
Fourth: Site Description

Meta Description

When you write a description of your site Keep in mind not exceed the number of characters for 160 characters so as not to cause to delete your site from the search engines and are classified as spam sites, and try as much as possible to add keywords important to your site within the description

File Alrobots is the first file that search engines read
You can control the entry of spiders to your web pages that you can allow it to see the page not Tarishvha or see and Tarishvha page or you can not see not Tarishvha through the following commands
To allow the spiders to see your pages and archiving
To prevent search spiders see your site or archived
And you'll get a full report on file Alrobots and how to control the search spiders through this file and you'll learn all the commands for this file

What is PR?


Is the number of one to ten gives the Google search engine for sites of importance based on scattered links pointing to your site
The road to raise PR your site is not placed in any directory or page you find in front of you but how to put it and where you place


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